Baseball, philosophy, video games, snarky anti-Bush rants, and all other various and sundry topics. Not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Hulu... creeping its way into my heart....

I've been watching a lot of Hulu lately, and it's made me rethink some of the statements below about Internet TV. I would upgrade the selection and reliability scores by 1 point apiece, bringing the total to 15 out of 25. It's not there yet as a completely viable replacement for cable, but it's making great strides. It's got shows in widescreen, commercial breaks are only one spot long (usually very short), I can stream it to my PS3 with a program called Playon, and it has shows from all networks but CBS (lam-oes!). I can catch up on stuff like Simpsons without having to schedule my life around it.

One show I've been enjoying the hell out of is "Kings." It's an alternate reality drama in which a modern day kingdom replaces the USA. It's beautifully shot, well acted, and only occasionally hammily scripted. There's lots of intrigue, occasions to think about right vs. might, the needs of the many over the few, etc. etc. Any sci-fi fan should like it - which means, of course, that it will fail on NBC. Hopefully, they will move it over to the Sci-fi network where shows like that (BSG, ahem) can actually succeed. Anyway, I recommend it to my friends, especially YOU, Kevin, since it has
a very prominent gay character with pouty lips whom I'm sure you would LOOOOVE to see naked.